
Maricopa County Community College Faculty: Call for Applications

Application deadlines: 

Expressions of interest: May 30, 2024 at 11:59pm (PT).

Full application materials: August 30, 2024 at 11:59pm (PT).

The Melikian Center at Arizona State University seeks applications for up to 6 community college instructors to be appointed as Affiliate Fellows at the Center for one or both semesters during the academic year 2024-25. 

Affiliate fellows will have the chance to work closely with existing Melikian Center faculty affiliates to enhance existing or new courses by incorporating issues, materials or perspectives drawn from Russia, Eurasia and East Europe, the Melikian Center’s region of focus.  

Deliverables could include:

Guest lectures in either ASU or MCCCD courses;

Student-ready curricular material that either:

incorporates regional content into an existing class;

updates/expands an existing class with a regional focus; or

anchors a new class.  


The expectation is that deliverables from the fellowship will be infused into the curriculum by December 2025.   

Fellows will have access to shared workspace at the Melikian Center as well as ASU’s library and teaching support services.  They will work closely with Center staff and one or more peer partners from the Center’s 100+ faculty and graduate student affiliates, following a co-designed professional development plan built around training hours provided and accredited by the Center to meet MCCCD standards.  

Training hours can include design and set-up activities; meetings with ASU peer partners, librarians or instructional professionals; participation in Melikian Center professional development activities; contributions to Melikian Center public programming and to MCCCD’s Global Forum; other presentations related to their curricular work; as well as research, writing and editing linked to the project.  

Each affiliate fellow will follow a professional development plan tailored to their own interests and needs. Effort hours will be logged and certified by the Melikian Center, in consultation with Maricopa Community College District’s International and Intercultural Education program, for faculty professional growth hours. 

This program is open to MCCCD faculty, residential or adjunct, in any discipline or field.  Proposals can be for classes on any topic.  We are especially interested to hear from colleagues interested in supporting student involvement in research (through, for example, oral history or other community-facing projects); or whose proposed classes would provide students with perspectives on the value of foreign language study.  Information on the particular areas of focus at the Melikian Center can be found at https://melikian.asu.edu/researchthemes.

As well as faculty professional growth hours and a courtesy affiliation at ASU, affiliate fellows will receive up to $500 in materials allowance.

To apply, please email a short expression of your potential interest by May 30, 2024 to the Melikian Center Director Keith Brown at keith_brown@asu.edu.


To complete your application, please submit a single pdf named “[Your last name}-Melikian Center fellows program” that includes:

Cover letter that includes title(s) of the course or courses which will be the focus of the fellowship as well as some indication of the regional content/cases proposed

Recent CV (1-2 pages)

Either 1-2 recent teaching evaluations or the names of two professional references. 

Please submit the pdf, and any queries, by email to keith_brown@asu.edu  Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis starting June 3, 2024.  While spaces in the program remain open, complete applications will be received and reviewed up to August 30, 2024.