

Undergraduate Opportunities

ASU Undergrad student

With the support of the Melikian Advisory Board, the Melikian Center is pleased to announce the 6th year of its undergraduate fellow's program for Spring 2025.

Students must currently enrolled ASU undergraduates in any major, with a demonstrated interest in the politics, economy, history, religion, language, or culture of any of the countries of Eurasia and Eastern Europe.

The expectations for fellows are:

  • Students enroll for credit in one or more classes focused on the region during Spring 2025 or in CLI, or a study abroad program in the region, during Summer 2024.
  • They have a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
  • They commit to attending at least three Melikian Center public events from the Spring 2025 schedule of events.
  • They provide a total of 70 hours of research assistance to a Melikian faculty affiliate (successful applicants will be provided with a list of project descriptions and choose two affiliates they would be interested in working with) or an equivalent commitment of time to a Melikian Center research initiative or conference. Past projects have included:
  • Managing the Predatory State: Corruption and Protest in Kazakhstan
  • Redefining "Home": Politics as Motivation for Educational Change in Turkish Diaspora Cultural Centers
  • Diplomacy for the Middle Class: The Case for American Global Leadership
  • How Hungary and Poland's Leaders Used the Pandemic to Increase Their Power
  • They present at the Research Pieces: Undergraduate Fellows Edition event in April 2025

Successful applicants will:

  • Receive a scholarship of $1,000
  • Work directly with faculty members working on the region of Russia, Eurasia, and East Europe
  • Gain experience in research design and/or event planning and administration
  • Meet with scholars, diplomats, and/or other visitors (virtually or in-person)

Preference will be given to:

  • Students who have completed, or are currently enrolled in, and will complete, at least one full year (8-10 credits) in any of the region’s languages.
  • Students writing an honors thesis or taking a senior capstone seminar focused on the region.
  • Seniors completing the REES certificate, or sophomores or juniors who declare the intention to complete the REES certificate.

Applicants should submit the following to apply for the Melikian Center Undergraduate Fellowship:

  • 1-page letter expressing their interest;
  • 1-page resume; list of courses taken focused on the region (Including language) including semester taken and grade awarded;
  • the name(s) of course(s) focused on the region they will take during Spring 2025 or language they will take in Summer 2025.

Please note that previous recipients of the Undergraduate Fellowship are not eligible to apply.

Please contact James Edmonds at jmedmond@asu.edu with any questions and to submit an application for Spring 2025.  Deadline for application:  December 1, 2024.

To learn more about previous fellows’ projects, see here.

Russian and East European Studies (REES) Certificate

The certificate in Russian and East European Studies (REES) encourages students to develop special competency in Russian, Eurasian, or East European languages and area studies. 

Certificate holders enhance their prospects for a variety of scholarships and fellowships, graduate school admissions, and a range of specialized government employment opportunities.

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Barrett Honors College Scholarship Information

Through the Bidstrup Foundation and Barrett Research Undergraduate Fellows Program, students and faculty may partner to apply for research funding. Any Barrett student with financial need, who wishes to engage in research with a faculty member of ASU, may apply for funding.

Through the Bidstrup Foundation and Barrett Research Undergraduate Fellows Program, honors college students with financial need engage in faculty-supported research while earning a stipend of up to $2,000.

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Melikian Center Critical Languages Institute (CLI)

The Critical Languages Institute (CLI) at Arizona State University’s Melikian Center is a national training institute for less commonly taught languages, offering summer intensive courses and study-abroad programs around the world.

CLI instruction in Arizona and abroad is practically focused and proficiency-based. Students not only study a language but learn to live that language. Specially designed summer intensives on the ASU campus prepare students, even beginners, to function competently in their language when they go abroad.

Once overseas, students live and breathe their language; they participate in family life, join sports and gaming clubs, sing in choirs, join theater groups, appear on television, give presentations and make speeches, participate in neighborhood projects, and otherwise actively immerse themselves in the culture of the language they are learning.

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Graduate Opportunities

The certificate in Russian and East European Studies (REES) encourages students to develop special competency in Russian, Eurasian, or East European languages and area studies.

Certificate holders enhance their prospects for a variety of scholarships and fellowships, graduate school admissions, and a range of specialized government employment opportunities.

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The Critical Languages Institute (CLI) at Arizona State University’s Melikian Center is a national training institute for less commonly taught languages, offering summer intensive courses and study-abroad programs around the world.

CLI instruction in Arizona and abroad is practically focused and proficiency-based. Students not only study a language but learn to live that language. Specially designed summer intensives on the ASU campus prepare students, even beginners, to function competently in their language when they go abroad.

Once overseas, students live and breathe their language; they participate in family life, join sports and gaming clubs, sing in choirs, join theater groups, appear on television, give presentations and make speeches, participate in neighborhood projects, and otherwise actively immerse themselves in the culture of the language they are learning.

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The Melikian Center welcomes collaboration with graduate students across all disciplines of the university. Both masters and doctoral students are encouraged to consider collaboration with the Center.

For additional information, please contact David Brokaw: David.Brokaw@asu.edu

Graduate Student Affiliates

The Melikian Center offers support to faculty and graduate student affiliates to advance their research and professional development. Past graduate students have received awards for field research, conference participation costs, and public outreach initiatives.

As well as opportunities to engage with leaders in their field, present at the ongoing works-in-progress seminar, and participate in the Center’s outreach and training programs, graduate student affiliates can apply to the Melikian Center Research fund for support.

Calls for proposals are made each academic year, and award amounts are generally in the range of $1,000-$3,000.

For additional information, please contact Dr. Keith Brown: keith_brown@asu.edu

Photo of a Student Worker