Visualizing Research

Visualizing Research

Irina Levin (Anthropology)
Lived experience of migration, identity, and citizenship in and after the Soviet Union.

Keith Brown (Anthropology)
Oral history of anti-authoritarianism in unexpected places.

Gregory Melikian (Co-founder and Advisory Board Member)
How he ended WWII

Ana Hedberg Olenina (Comparative Literature and Media Studies)
Lessons in the creative fusion of art and science from early Soviet film.

Iveta Silova (Education)
Enduring social and political influences of our high school experience.

Volker Benkert (History)
How ordinary citizens made sense of abrupt political change in 20th century Germany.

Anna Cichopek-Gajraj (History)
Polish and Jewish efforts to rebuild lives, and relate to their shared homeland, after World War II.

Laurie Manchester (History)
The contribution of marginalized communities to Russian national identity.

Laurie Stoff (History)
Women, war, and revolution in Russia.

Robert Niebuhr (History and Political Science)
Tito's distinctive, personal approach to diplomacy and foreign policy.

Tyler Kirk (History)
The importance of Soviet Gulag prisoners' memory-work for understanding totalitarianism.

Victoria Lomasko (Independent Artist and Graphic Reporter)
Creative horizons: art in the post-Soviet era 

Jacob Lassin (Language and Literature)
The intersection of religion, politics, literature, and new media in Russia and the former Soviet Union.

Danko Šipka (Linguistics)
Language, cultural difference, and the pleasure of dictionaries.

Martin Beck Matuštík (Philosophy and Religious Studies)
The importance of ritual in a technological age.

Victor Peskin (Politics and Global Studies)
The enduring importance of International War Crimes Tribunals in the campaign to protect human rights.

Eugene Clay (Religious Studies)
The diversity of Christian practice and beliefs in Russia.

Dave Fossum (Music)