

12th Macedonian-North American Conference on Macedonian Studies (MNACMS)

September 11–13, 2025
Ohrid, North Macedonia
University Ss. Cyril and Methodius (UKIM)

We are pleased to announce that the 12th Macedonian-North American Conference on Macedonian Studies (MNACMS) will take place in Ohrid, North Macedonia, from September 11–13, 2025. This conference has been held every three years since its inception in 1991, in Ann Arbor, Michigan, advancing international collaboration and alternating between North America and Macedonia. The last meeting in North American was hosted by the Melikian Center at Arizona State University in Fall 2022.

Call for Papers

We invite proposals on a wide range of topics related to Macedonian studies, including Language and Linguistics, Literature, Cultural Studies, Folklore, Art, History, Anthropology, Sociology, and Politics. The working languages for the conference are English and Macedonian. 

Submission of abstracts

Interested individuals should submit abstracts as email attachments at the following address:

 Guidelines for abstracts:

  • should be up 300 words (must fit on one page)
  • should contain: paper title and at least three relevant citations from scholarly literature
  • must be in PDF format, with the (shortened) paper title as the file name
    To ensure a blind review process, do not include any identifying information in the
    abstract or file name.
    Working Languages of the Conference: English and Macedonian .
  • Submission Deadline: February 15, 2025
    Notification of Acceptance: March 15, 2025

Accommodation and Optional Excursion

Participants from North America will be accommodated at the Congress Center in Ohrid. The University Ss. Cyril and Methodius will cover accommodation costs for ten North American participants, with preference for scholars without access to travel and conference funds.
An optional excursion will also be offered.

We look forward to your contributions and to welcoming you to Ohrid!

 International Organizing Committee: 

  • Prof. Dr. Vladimir Martinovski (UKIM)
  • Prof. Dr. Marjan Markovikj (UKIM)
  • Prof. Dr. Stanislava-Stasha Tofoska, Macedonian Coordinator (UKIM)
  • Prof. Dr. Christina Kramer (University of Toronto)
  • Prof. Dr. Keith Brown (Arizona State University)
  • Prof. Dr. Elena Petroska, North American Coordinator (Montana State University Billings)